Dr. Alexander Tap

Dr. Alexander Tap has specialised in legal advice and litigation in the field of real estate law for almost 20 years. His main practice areas are commercial tenancy and leasing law, real estate law, brokerage law as well as construction and architectural law. He advises real estate funds, non-property companies and family offices on all aspects of real estate management, real estate transactions, project developments and financing.
Dr. Alexander Tap has been a specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law since 2018 and completed a mediator training course in 2017.
Projects / References
• Over 1000+ civil and administrative litigation/arbitration in the real estate sector
• Ongoing legal representation and advice to several wholesale, retail, hotel, tourism and insurance companies
• Ongoing property-related consultancy to several family offices and property management companies
• Long-term advice to various real estate funds
Professional Memberships
• Deutscher Mietgerichtstag (German Rental Court Conference)
• Immobilienjunioren (Real Estate Juniors)
• Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V. (German Lawyers‘ Association – Working Group on Tenancy Law and Real Estate)
• International Bar Association
• Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS) (German Arbitration Institute)
• Bundesverband Mediation (Federal Association of Mediation)
• Kölner Anwaltverein (Cologne Lawyers‘ Association)